I’m 64 years old, and I have been working in my family business of textile and home décor manufacturing for over 20 years now. Our company have attended many trade shoes, exhibitions all over the world.

My favorite thing to do is to travel to different places and learn new things and one thing I notice was that there were many tree trunks that were abandoned deep in the jungle and some just scattered all over the creeks where I was camping, I even saw coffee tree that is over 10 years being chopped down and left unattended. Addition to that, whenever I go to the beach, I see many beautiful seashells just lay there under the sand. After seeing these scene I spot an opportunity.

So we decided to purchase these natural resources home. We soak it, clean it, and put it in its condition, for the woods we dry it for over a year, coat it with a protective chemical before turning it into a final product. IN the past 2 years we have found ways to create value for natural resources that were abandoned and turn them into unique and one of a kind items like candle holders, table lamps, etc

 With more than 20 years in the manufacturing industry, we have had a lot of experience in sourcing the best possible materials and all of them are sourced in Viet Nam. We thrive to create the best artistic products in every piece we create

